Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Driveway in Progress

The entrance to the driveway
From the street looking toward our tree line (and our pecan tree
at the entrance) Looking from the tree line toward the street

This is the curve at the tree line going into the opening that
has been cleared. They are leveling this part so that the curve
doesn't slope so steeply.

These are the pipes that are going to be used to divert the water
from the underground spring going through the middle of
our drive. The pipes will help keep the gravel from being washed

On my trip out there today, I also met with Scott K., our representative
from Superior Walls (see Links for more information).
We looked at the potentialhome site, he also looked to make sure his semis
could get around the curve at the tree line. We discussed possible exterior finishes
for the front of the house (as both Michael and myself are partial to minimalist clean
design, I am leaning toward the plain concrete finish, but will make a
more definitive decision when we are closer to building). Below is a picture I took of him.

Scott was kind enough to take a picture of me after looking through
the book that he brought of different houses and buildings
that Superior Walls has built.

We may hopefully go back out there on Sunday to look at the finished driveway
with the gravel and the curve leveled...

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