Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Update on Plans

John has come up with a layout that we are even more thrilled about. The garage may have to be cut out for budget reasons....

Rough Drawing of Placements

Along with getting the plans and rough placement underway, we have also been working on paying off the land in a more affordable way. Based on some equity in our current home, we decided to take out an equity line at a lower interest rate to pay off the land loan. This will save us quite a bit, and be available to us as we pay off the land as quick as possible for aiding in some of the construction costs.

After meeting with John, we have decided not to clear anymore acreage at this time, and to let the next project be the driveway. We are hoping to get that done in the next few months.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pictures From Today

John talking about approximate placement of house and garage

The yellow square is the outline of the garage (estimated at this point)

The van is pointed where our home will open towards (south-east for maximum efficiency)
Looking toward the future drive

Phase One Video

Meeting With John (Home Designer)

Our preliminary home plans...

Friday, May 9, 2008


We should be posting more next week, as we are supposed to meet with J Williams (our home designer). We are going to narrow down home plans, and possibly take him to see the land for the first time.