Saturday, March 29, 2008


Sunday we are going up to the land and meeting the bulldozer person. I am pretty excited about this, as he will hopefully be able to clear out to where our home site is going to be. As soon as we get things bulldozed and "graded", we are going to get a shed out there, and put a pop-up camper so that we can stay out there longer. Right now what happens is we drive the hour out to the land, chop trees and work on the land for awhile, then we drive the hour home. It would be so much more fun and convenient to be able to camp out there, have a bon fire, have a char-grill smoker going while we are working, making some good food, and be able to have our dogs out there enjoying the outdoors as they should!

picture of our dogs...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What we are about

We are the Bowmans. Our dream is to make the land that we bought into a self-sustaining organic farm, which also includes construction of an earth sheltered home that will be as off the grid as we can make it. This blog will follow us on the path to making our dream a reality.

Right now we are in the "clearing the area" stage, and saving as much wood as we can to make fence posts for our driveway. Here are some pictures that we have taking of our progress.

Our clearing process so far...
Our expansive future driveway...

Sitting on the"keeper pile"...